Dragon Age OC Emporium Wiki

Lucita Arainai-Surana is the daughter of Warden-Commander Surana and Zevran Arainai.

During the chaotic period that followed the explosion at the Conclave, Lucita resided in Skyhold, where she made Leliana’s existence a living hell until the Inquisition was disbanded.

As an adult, she follows in her mother’s footsteps and after having attended the University of Orlais for five years, she sets out to study the Blight—and try to find a cure for the Calling—under the patronage of King Alistair Theirin.

She now lives at court, where a series of events force her to work as an agent of the Crown.


Physical Appearance

Small and lithe like her mother, Lucita is a dark eyed, tan skinned young woman who wears her heart on her sleeve and has an extremely expressive face. Her waist-long hair is usually tied in a practical braid to keep it out of her face, but at court, she sometimes gathers it into an intricate bun when the fancy strikes her. She takes a lot after her father, having inherited his wide mouth, always ready to smile, and his long nose. Her adventurous nature has led to her having a few benign scars, the most impressive one being a long gash along her ribs, where an assassin’s blade barely missed her heart as she rolled out of the way.

She has two tattoos, that she got from an exceptionally talented artist in the Val Royeaux alienage while she was at the University: the first one, on her upper right thigh and hip, represents a hummingbird drinking the nectar out of a bundle of flowers, and the other one is a peony on her left wrist, that she fancies makes it seem as if she’s wearing a glove.


Lucita is a deeply passionate, curious woman with a distinct sadistic streak. Uncompromisingly honest, she is often perceived as rude and callous, but the people she loves know that she can be extremely sweet and caring. She can hold a grudge though, and if she believes someone has wronged her, she will invariably exact revenge. The nature of said revenge can range from harmless prank to grievous harm, depending on the gravity of the —real or perceived—offense.

"Humble" is not a term that could ever be associated with her, and she is brave to the point of being careless at times which had gotten her into trouble more than once.

Talents and Skills

Trained by Zevran in the art of stealth and assassination under the pretense of games, Lucita was, at ten years old, more than capable of holding her own against a foe bigger than her—or buy enough time to run and hide somewhere. During her stay in Skyhold, sparring matches with various soldiers kept her skills honed and her purse full, but it was the Inquisitor who pushed her beyond her limits and turned her into a terrifyingly competent fighter. Her preferred weapons are twin daggers that her father gave her on the day he started her formal training—as opposed to the “games” they played before.

While she inherited some magical talent from her mother, she mainly uses her magic to maintain an edge in combat and control the battle. She learned a few nifty tricks from Solas, like using a small paralyzing glyph that wouldn't draw too much on her mana reserve, but instead of paralyzing her foe entirely, would only lock their leg for a brief moment and trip them, allowing her to strike with her blades. This is one of her favorite tricks.

Outside of battle, Lucita is an expert burglar and climber—skills she developed as part of her training with Zevran—and in Skyhold, she puts them to use them mostly to steal things and play pranks. She loves nothing more than being perched, and most of her hiding places are high above ground. As such, people who know her well have learned to look up often.

She has a lovely singing voice, but even though she is a creative soul, she's is absolutely inept in anything that involves crafting of any kind. Her drawings look like blobs of ink or paint, and when she tries to make something with her hands, the result is rarely identifiable at all.

She can’t lie to save her life.


Describe the events of their life. Include their role in the universe here and explain the part they play in your headcanon. Use sub-heading 3 to break up their history if necessary. For example, if your OC was an Antivan Crow who later joined the Inquisition, you would include two sub-headings.

Antivan Crows

Describe their time with the Crows here.


Describe their time with the Inquisition here.


Describe their relationships with established protagonists/characters in the universe. Who are they known to? Who are they loyal to?


What else happened, or what else can you tell us about Your OC, bruh? Think of things like likes, dislikes, fears, strengths and weaknesses, etc. This is as close as you'll get to being able to word-vomit about your OC while keeping the article organized and will probably be the longest section. Feel free to add sub-headings as necessary with sub-heading 2:

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