Dragon Age OC Emporium Wiki

Luciel Tabris' Continuity: Adare Aeducan was the second child and only daughter of King Endrin Aeducan of Orzammar. She was a candidate to join the Grey Wardens, and would have been apart of the same joining as Luciel Tabris if not for her unexpected arrest for the murder of her older brother, Trian. She was sentenced to the Deep Roads to fight darkspawn until dead.

Vasher Amell's Continuity: Adare Aeducan was the second child and only daughter of King Endrin Aeducan of Orzammar. She was a candidate to join the Grey Wardens, and would have been apart of the same joining as Vasher Amell if not for her unexpected arrest for the murder of her older brother, Trian. She was sentenced to the Deep Roads to fight darkspawn until dead.

Adare Aeducan's continuity: Adare Aeducan was the second child and only daughter of King Endrin Aeducan of Orzammar. She was arrested for the murder of her brother Trian, and sentenced to the Deep Roads to fight darkspawn until dead, but instead she joined the Grey Wardens. In her life, she was known as a Paragon, the Warden-Commander of Fereldan, the Arlessa of Amaranthine, and mistress to King Alistair of Fereldan.


Physical Appearance[]

Adare Aeducan

Adare in 9:30, fighting in the Provings


Talents and Skills[]




